Legal notice

1 Ownership and publisher

In accordance with the established information society regulations, we hereby inform users that this website is the property of DataOpp sàrl registered office in 9 rue Louvigny, L-1946 Luxembourg, Grand Duché of Luxembourg. 

2 Hosting company:

Registered office: Aschauer Straße 32a 81549 Munich Germany
Establishment NO. HRB 180722 VAT No. DE267602842

3.Website Terms of Use

By accessing this website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site"), you hereby acknowledge and agree to abide by this Legal Notice, and you shall not use this Site or the services provided hereunder, for purposes contrary to the law or in violation of the provisions of the law, this Legal Notice, good customs, public order or any other cause that may constitute an infringement of any user's or third party's rights. 
The user shall not destroy, alter, render unusable or otherwise damage the data, programmes or electronic documents contained on this Site, nor restrict the access of other users, introduce programmes, computer applications, viruses or other devices of a similar nature, that may cause any type of alteration in the computer systems of DataOpp sàrl or any third party.
The user shall not misuse the information, messages, graphics, files or any other type of material that may be accessed through this Site.This Site contains cookies that may store information to identify the user of this Site. For more information, please refer to the Cookies Policy. 

4 Liability

4.1 For the access to the Site

DataOpp sàrl may discontinue the access to its Site, for the purposes of performing maintenance, updating, controls or for any other reason, and therefore assumes no liability which is claimed to have resulted from it.
DataOpp sàrl shall not be liable for any damages caused by any inappropriate use of this Site by the user or any third parties.

4.2 For the links

This Site may contain links that allow the user to access other websites. 
DataOpp sàrl does not accept any responsibility for the content of these external websites. However, in order to protect our users, should DataOpp sàrl become aware of any unlawful content, or any violation of these goods or rights caused by any third party subject to compensation, we may act with the necessary diligence in order to remove the link. 

4.3 For the operation of the Site

In addition to this, in DataOpp sàrl we endeavor to ensure the proper operation of this Site and we take the necessary measures in order to prevent any damage or loss that may affect the connection, or cause any interference, omission, disruption, computer viruses and any unlawful interference. For this reason, should you detect any irregular operation of the website, please contact us immediately. 

4.4 For the use of the Site

The user shall be held solely responsible for his/her own actions during his/her use of this Site and, under no circumstances, shall DataOpp sàrl be held responsible for any action of the user. 
The user shall be responsible for any breach of these Terms, as well as any compensation for damages caused to other users, DataOpp sàrl or any third parties. 

5 Intellectual and industrial property

This Site and its content is owned by DataOpp sàrl or any third parties from whom we have been granted the appropriate transfer of rights. The reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation and transfer of any content of this Site is strictly prohibited, unless expressly authorized by the rightholder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user is allowed to make a copy of the contents on his/her hard drive or other means, provided that it is intended for his/her personal and non-commercial use, in accordance with the provisions on intellectual property.

6.Image Rights

Photographs and/or audiovisual works that may be contained in this Site, as well as in social networks, contain the image rights of the individuals appearing on them, and who have given their authorization, in accordance with the provisions applicable to the Image Rights.
Any reproduction, distribution, publication for any commercial purposes, or any other use of such photographs and audiovisual works is strictly prohibited.

7.Governing Law

The interpretation and enforcement of these Terms is subject to legislation applicable at any time, in accordance with national or international laws, as the case may be.
